Saturday, July 23, 2016

Shakira - Try Everything (Official Video)


This new cartoon movie, Zootopia, that came out this year, in 2016, illustrates what is happening in the world now: this movie introduces and subliminally endorses 3 MAIN PROBLEMS or things that we are to do, and that is, 1st in EQUALITY (HILLARY SHOULD BE PRESIDENT THEY SAY), 2nd in EMPATHY (be nicer to Muslims or BLM or they will rape and kill you more), and 3rd in REVERSE RACISM towards white people that you should not throw so many black people in jail (never mind the DNA & the statistics)..... this movie subconsciously endorses and inspires these 3 things or problems.... intentionally or not, these ideas or things are seen..... and I like the movie and don't care and it is funny and fun, but I know it can also hurt people and the movies and the music and so many things in this world is hurting people all the time in so many different ways and many people don't seek enough help from others & especially from God enough and it therefore is hurting people and humans are normally in denial of their own problems and are only aware of a small percentage of their problems, but rarely ever seek better remedies for root problems or core issues.....
Zootopia (the film) is like the book, Animal Farm, BASICALLY, but I don't know EXACTLY because I have not read that book, but the movie starts with a play where they show the evolved animals that the animal kingdom was divided between prey & predator thousands of years ago. Now, they have equal opportunities, as in equality.
A young female rabbit wanted to be a cop. A fox pushed her to the ground & laughed since there has never been a rabbit cop before.
But after police academy college, she became the FIRST RABBIT COP. This mirrors Obama who became the first black president or first Muslim president. It mirrors Hillary Clinton who is scheduled to be the next USA president by the shadow empires. But it also personifies Donald Trump who could be the first Real Estate President or first TRUMP President or first LEGAL BILLIONAIRE President since other presidents & other politicians are bought & paid for but illegally.
This message or idea, in ZOOTOPIA, about being the FIRST PERSON to do something is MOSTLY A BAD THING BECAUSE IT SUBLIMINALLY PERSUADES PEOPLE TOWARDS HILLARY CLINTON, and that is bad. It does not get under my skin, and some people are smart enough not to let things get to them at a subconscious level BUT ONLY IF THEY ARE FIRST AWARE OF IT BEFORE IT SETS IN LIKE CANCER, FIRE, LIKE TROJAN HORSES, LIKE VIRUSES.
In the Bible, Apostle Paul told Timothy that even younger people can do things. So, I like the idea of trying our best to be the first. It is competitive, innovative, creative, and so on. So that is good.
Now, back to the movie, ZOOTOPIA. Like I said before, one fox was like a bully. He knocked the girl rabbit down to the ground. That is like racist maybe. So, the movie is playing on the racism thing that is seen in BLACK LIVES MATTER.
She became a cop but the police captain, an ox, told her to be a parking-meter cop. She was not happy. She got mad. Later, a small otter came because her husband was missing. The female rabbit cop went to tried to find the missing otter.
A different fox helped her to look for the otter.
They only had 48 hours to complete the case. The ox, the police captain, didn't really care about a small case like a missing otter. So, there was a time limit.
When they found the missing otter, that otter was wild and not domesticated or personified or evolved and was acting like a normal animal with no clothes and was walking on all four legs instead of only two. After that, they began to talk about the DNA. The mayor, the lion, was talking to a scientist about the DNA. The female rabbit overheard them and recorded the conversation about the DNA secret.
During a press conference, after that case was cracked, the female rabbit told the media about the animals that went ROGUE or SAVAGE or WILD.
The press asked which animals go wild. She said that only the PREDATORS are converting back to their primitive ways sometimes.
The city began to fire predators from certain jobs.
The predators mirror Muslims, Arabs, and also black people, mostly.
Later, they found out that the NIGHT HOWLER flowers made the animals go CRAZY to start killing, murdering, raping, like Muslims.
I would say the NIGHT HOWLER flowers is Islam and other ideologies or religions, or choices or habits or lifestyles that we make.
First, the movie makes you think that if a female rabbit can be a cop then EVIL Hillary Clinton can be the first FEMALE PRESIDENT. Second, it makes you think that the FLOWERS made the ANIMALS into MURDERERS or that SYRIA makes ARABS into MURDERERS. But you can get the man out of the ghetto, but can you get ghetto out of the man? Both nature and nurture plays a part in making people into what and who they choose to be, but the KEYWORD here is CHOOSE..... DNA & IQ should not be ignored. But thirdly, and lastly, near the end of the movie, you see a lamb in jail. I don't remember what the lamb did exactly. But like seen in many movies and shows since maybe the 1980's in the USA, they try not to show too many minority criminals in jail because that could be seen as racist profiling. But racist profiling saves lives. When you are racist profiling a gun or a dangerous busy highway or you are scared while in an airplane, that is actually called BEING CAREFUL, NOT BEING RACIST. THERE ARE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN CAREFUL AND BAD-RACISM but many people are forgetting that. Please tell people because they need to know. You can help people as you educate them more. Thank you.
I believe that being racist is bad if you don't know how to judge a book by its cover. This movie is PROPAGANDA regardless of whether they intend it to be or not, and these 3 main ideas will continue to curse people into following the sheep off cliffs.
Personally, I don't care IF LIONS OR TURTLES ARE IN JAIL because it's entertaining...... but I am also becoming more aware as I age about how these things in this world INFLUENCES AND CHANGES THE WAYS (philosophy, religions, culture) PEOPLE THINK IN WHAT THEY BELIEVE AND IN WHAT THEY DO AND NOT DO. I try my best not to let it change me but it is changing me a little but for the worse and I am aware of that, but I am mostly trying to be aware of how the world influences people at a subconscious level maybe, but it is also a very tough thing to share with most people because these kinds of things can go over their heads.
Oh, the lamb shot animals with the disease that transforms them into wild beasts or MUSLIMS. So, that is why that lamb was thrown in jail after he was caught. Not all Muslims are bad. But Muslims in ISLAM is like a boy in a puddle of mud. When you are in mud, you will be dirty. That does not mean the boy is bad. But the boy can become bad. And the mud is not helping the boy. Dogs eat kittens. Dogs are like the mud. We are the kittens. Close the doors to your house. Our country is our homes. Protect your homes. Teach people how to teach themselves more. We can be more self-sufficient in all that we do in life. We make the world better as we talk share these things with others more. Keep sharing. Share this. Thank you.
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Joey Arnold Oatmeal 2016-07-23 Sat 4 PM TLJ LL HCM
DT: 0168-478-5542

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