Monday, November 30, 2015

English Tutor

I'm a private English Tutor wherever, whenever, whatever, with whoever being individuals, groups, etc..... speaking, pronunciation, conversations, & more. Interested students can contact me directly via the phone for more information.
Mr.Joey Arnold: American English Teacher:
My mobile cell phone: 0168-478-5542
Ms.Tien: 090-855-6131

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Meet Foreigners

You can meet foreigners (me, JoeyArnold), speak confidently in English for business, education, traveling, history, communication, entertainment, encouragement, & pleasure (fun). You can be my friend. I'm a teacher, tutor, coach, comedian, actor, artist, & more. For more information about me, English, or other things, contact (please call) my female Vietnamese friend:
Ms.Tien Nguyen: call her at: 090-855-6131
My cell: 0168-478-5542
Joey Arnold Oatmeal
Saigon Oregon USA, Vietnam

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

ESL 4: Final Draft

English students can register with me, Joey Arnold, for expensive private classes (PC), or with Tien for cheaper classes
Information concerning my English classes are as follows: group classes (GC) are located in a classroom in Q.1, TP.HCM: for more info, please contact my Vietnamese friend, Ms. Tien Nguyen​:
Mobile: 090-855-6131
Information concerning my private classes (PC) are as follows: locations includes tea shops, parks, & houses. Reservations can be made with me, an American English Teacher (from USA): now, I live in Vietnam:
Mobile: 0168-478-5542
Additional information are as follows: classes normally focuses on speaking, pronunciation, & listening. Sometimes, we study some grammar, writing, reading, & other things as well. The curriculum (lessons & topics) are customizable (chosen) by the students of the classes. You can join a class that suits (fits) your English proficiency (levels include starter, beginner, medium, & high). Students can learn English as they study other majors, topics, & other things. I help some with IELTS, TOEIC, work, school, travel, family, life skills, soft skills, careers, tourism, culture, history, movie making (filmology), psychology, religion, education, morality, parenting, technology, music, art, marketing, customer service, economics, business, hobbies, sports, basketball, creativity, comedy, & so much more
Payment plans are as follows: students can pay (tuition or school fees) per hour or per month. No refunds. Refunds are discouraged & denied. Discounts & priorities are made for the "Per Month" plans. Students should pay at the beginning of the month. The school fee can be negotiated (bartered: decided). We could try to make a deal. Priority is reserved more for premium students who pay me more money. I try my best to be fair (reasonable), but I also need to be practical. I can't help others if I can't help myself. You can save money if you pay me at the beginning of each month. Please don't ask for your money back. You can also register for the group classes (GC) with Tien. You can ask her your questions. The school fees for group classes are different than the fees for private classes (PC). The suggested fee for PC is 600.000 VND ($30 USD) per hour, per class. The suggested fee for per month is 2.000.000 VND per class for a maximum of sixteen hours per month & limited to schedule availability. The suggested fee for per year is 10.000.000 VND. These are suggestions & not necessarily requirements
Students are given two options, to register (sign up) with me or to register with Tien. It might be cheaper to register with Tien. You can call Tien. You can also try to be my friend. Maybe, you can practice English with me for free sometimes


My name is Joey Arnold. My English Students are given two options: to register with me for private classes (PC) or with Tien for public group classes (GC) which might be cheaper.
Information concerning my English classes are as follows: group classes (GC) are located in a classroom in Q.1, TP.HCM: for more info, please contact my Vietnamese friend, Ms. Tien Nguyen:
Mobile: 090-855-6131
Information concerning my private classes (PC) are as follows: locations includes tea shops, parks, & houses. Reservations can be made with me, an American English Teacher (from USA):
Mobile: 0168-478-5542
Additional information are as follows: classes normally focuses on speaking, pronunciation, & listening. Sometimes, we study some grammar, writing, reading, & other things as well. The curriculum (lessons & topics) are customizable (chosen) by the students of the classes. You can join a class that suits (fits) your English proficiency (levels include starter, beginner, medium, & high). Students can learn English as they study other majors, topics, & other things. I help some with IELTS, TOEIC, work, school, travel, family, life skills, soft skills, careers, tourism, culture, history, movie making (filmology), psychology, religion,
Payment plans are as follows: students can pay (tuition or school fees) per hour or per month. No refunds. Refunds are discouraged & denied. Discounts & priorities are made for the "Per Month" plans. Students should pay at the beginning of the month. The school fee can be negotiated (bartered: decided). We could try to make a deal. Priority is reserved more for premium students who pay me more money. I try my best to be fair (reasonable), but I also need to be practical. I can't help others if I can't help myself. You can save money if you pay me at the beginning of each month. Please don't ask for your money back. You can also register for the group classes (GC) with Tien. You can ask her your questions. The school fees for group classes are different than the fees for private classes (PC). The suggested fee for PC is 600.000 VND ($30 USD) per hour, per class. The suggested fee for per month is 2.000.000 VND per class for a maximum of sixteen hours per month & limited to schedule availability. The suggested fee for per year is 10.000.000 VND. These are suggestions & not necessarily requirements. Students are given two options, to register (sign up) with me or to register with Tien. It might be cheaper to register with Tien. You can call Tien at this number:


Information concerning my English classes are as follows: my Group Classes (GC) are located in a classroom in Q.1, TP.HCM: for more info, please contact my Vietnamese friend, Ms. Tien Nguyen:
Mobile: 090-855-6131
Information concerning my Private Classes (PC) are as follows: locations includes tea shops, parks, & houses. Registrations can be made with me, an American English Teacher (from USA):
My name is Joey Arnold
Mobile: 0168-478-5542
Additional information are as follows:
Payment plans are as follows: students can pay (tuition or school fees) per hour or per month. No refunds. Refunds are discouraged & denied. Discounts & priorities are made for the "Per Month" plans. Students should pay at the beginning of the month. The school fee can be negotiated (bartered: decided). We could try to make a deal. Priority is reserved more for premium students who pay me more money. I try my best to be fair (reasonable), but I also need to be practical. I can't help others if I can't help myself. You can save money if you pay me at the beginning of each month. Please don't ask for your money back. You can also register for the group classes (GC) with Tien. You can ask her your questions. The school fees for group classes are different than the fees for private classes (PC). The suggested fee for PC is 600.000 VND ($30 USD) per hour, per class. The suggested fee for per month is 2.000.000 VND per class for a maximum of sixteen hours per month & limited to schedule availability. The suggested fee for per year is 10.000.000 VND. These are suggestions & not necessarily requirements. Students are given two options, to register (sign up) with me or to register with Tien. It might be cheaper to register with Tien. You can call Tien at this number:

ESL Update 2

Information concerning my English classes are as follows: my Group Classes (GC) are located in a classroom in Q.1, TP.HCM: for more info, please contact my Vietnamese friend, Ms. Tien Nguyen:
Mobile: 090-855-6131
Information concerning my Private Classes (PC) are as follows: locations includes tea shops, parks, & houses. Registrations can be made with me, an American English Teacher (from USA):
My name is Joey Arnold
Mobile: 0168-478-5542
Additional information are as follows:
Payment plans are as follows: students can pay (tuition or school fees) per hour or per month. No refunds. Refunds are discouraged & denied. Discounts & priorities are made for the "Per Month" plans. Students should pay at the beginning of the month. The school fee can be negotiated (bartered: decided). We could try to make a deal. Priority is reserved more for premium students who pay me more money. I try my best to be fair (reasonable), but I also need to be practical. I can't help others if I can't help myself. You can save money if you pay me at the beginning of each month. Please don't ask for your money back. You can also register for the group classes (GC) with Tien. You can ask her your questions. The school fees for group classes are different than the fees

ESL Info for JA in HCM

Information concerning my English classes are as follows: for information about Group Classes (GC), contact Ms. Tien Nguyen:
Mobile: 090-855-6131
Information concerning my Private Classes (PC) are as follows: locations includes tea shops, parks, & houses. Registrations can be made with me, an American English Teacher (from USA):
Mobile: 0168-478-5542
Additional information are as follows:
Payment plans are as follows:

Monday, November 23, 2015

Two Options For Learning English

Bạn có hai lựa chọn, nếu bạn muốn học tiếng Anh nói với tôi. Bạn có thể gọi người quản lý Việt Nam của tôi, Tiến Nguyễn, đăng ký lớp học trong lớp tôi, và đến trong một cuộc phỏng vấn để đánh giá trình độ của bạn để xác định mà lớp bạn có thể tham gia. Chúng ta có bốn lớp: bắt đầu, mới bắt đầu, trung bình, và các lớp học cao. Chúng tôi có một màn hình TV mà hỗ trợ trong học tập. Chúng tôi có các lớp học vào buổi sáng và vào buổi tối vào những ngày khác nhau trong tuần. Chương trình giảng dạy là tùy chỉnh. Chúng tôi dạy các kỹ năng ngôn ngữ khác nhau và những thứ khác nữa. Hãy liên hệ với bạn tôi để biết thêm thông tin.
Tiến Nguyễn: 090-855-6131
Tên tôi là Joey Arnold.
Thứ hai, bạn có thể gọi cho tôi và gặp tôi tư nhân tại các cửa hàng cà phê, công viên, hoặc một cái gì đó. Một số sinh viên học tập cho kỳ thi IELTS, TOEIC, cho công việc liên quan đến điều này, hoặc cho những thứ khác với tôi tư nhân trong các nhóm nhỏ hoặc cá nhân một đối một. Các lớp học được tùy chỉnh. Hãy gọi bạn bè của tôi hoặc gọi cho tôi. Chúng tôi có các loại khác nhau của các lớp học. Tôi là một người Mỹ Giáo viên tiếng Anh tại thành phố Hồ Chí Minh. Tôi sinh ra tại Hoa Kỳ. Tôi đến từ Mỹ. Tôi sống ở Việt Nam hiện nay. Tôi biết một số người Việt. Hãy liên hệ với chúng tôi. Hãy là bạn của tôi hoặc học sinh của tôi.
Joey Arnold: 0168-478-5542
You have two options, if you want to learn English Speaking with me. You can call my Vietnamese manager, Tien Nguyen, register for classes in my classroom, & come in for an interview to assess your level to determine which class you can join. We have four classes: starters, beginners, medium, & high classes. We have a TV screen which assists in learning. We have classes in the morning & in the evening on different days of the week. Curriculum is customizable. We teach different language skills & other things as well. Please contact my friend for more information.
Tien Nguyen: 090-855-6131
My name is Joey Arnold.
Second, you can call me & meet me privately at coffee shops, parks, or something. Some students study for the IELTS, TOEIC, for work related things, or for other things with me privately in small groups or individually one on one. Classes are customized. Please call my friend or call me. We have different kinds of classes. I am an American English Teacher in Ho Chi Minh City. I was born in the United States. I am from America. I live in Vietnam now. I know some Vietnamese. Feel free to contact us. Be my friend or my student.
Joey Arnold: 0168-478-5542

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Learn English with me at Anh Coffee, Q.1, TP.HCM:

Learn English speaking with me. Do you want to meet me this morning? I'm free today. I have free time all day. You can meet me today. You can call me or my friends. Come see me somewhere. Come to the 23/9 Park, to a coffee shop, school or something & practice English with me. You can call my friends & talk to them in Vietnamese if you're too shy to talk to me in English. Please call me or call us when you are ready. I'm an American. I'm from the United States of America. I'm a foreigner. I live in Vietnam. Right now, I am living in Saigon (TP.HCM). Learning English can be fun. How can we improve our listening, speaking, reading, writing, pronunciation, thinking, living, and other skills that can help us live better, learn better, grow better, work better, be better, love better, play better, & everything else? Those are good questions that we can explore & stuff. Learn life skills & English through conversations, & communication, & learn English while learning other things as well in life. 
How can we master English? How do we overcome fear & shyness? The truth is that emotions are always there & we can't always run from them. We need to learn to accept our emotions as part of who we are. We should write it down in our personal diaries & review weekly. We should learn from the past & move on. We should focus on what we can do & not just on what we cannot do. We should smile more & wait before crying. Please wait at least twenty seconds before yelling, becoming too angry, before you regret things you can't take back. Don't let the fear of failure stop you from living life. If you are good with people, you might be a leader. If not, then you may be more of a technical expert at certain skills. You may be an expert at something which leaders love. Leaders will find you useful & stuff. Make friends with me. We can learn from each other. We can have a good time & stuff.
Joey Arnold is my name.
You can find me in District 1, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
Find me at schools, parks, shops, & other places.
Find me at Anh Coffee:
47 Trần Hưng Đạo, P. Nguyễn Thái Bình, Quận 1, TP. HCM
Contact us:
Please call Jolie Tien Nguyen: 090-855-6131
Mark Chau Lego: 0167-253-7970
Joey Arnold: 0168-478-5542

Monday, November 16, 2015

Forty Emotion Words: English Vocabulary

Forty Emotion Words: English Vocabulary
By Joey Arnold
01. Sad: not happy, down, depressed, out, frown; cry
02. Happy: smile, cheerful, up, thankful, giddy
03. Mad: angry, upset, furious, hot tempered, hate
04. Shy: embarrassed, blush, red face, scared; intervert
05. Blush turns your face red when you like somebody
06. Depressed is when you are very very sad
07. Emotions: feelings: moods: how we feel: how we are
08. Satisfied: content, happy with what we have; settled
09. Surprise is unexpected: shock: wonder: awe: ahhhh
10. Sleepy: want to sleep: tired, exhausted, burnt out
11. Fear, afraid, scared, shy, ahhh, terror; fearful; scary
12. Confused: lost: misunderstand; not sure
13. Bipolar: moody; mood swings: periods: emotional
14. Anxious: cannot wait; excited; impatient
15. Cry: tear, crying: water falls from eyes: when sad
16. Smile when happy: when the smile (mouth/lips) goes up
17. Determined: dedicated, focused: will try so hard/best
18. Stomp your feet when you are very angry
19. Anger is like very mad, very furious; angry; pissed off
20. Cry: weep, sob, wept, cried, tears, morn, mourn
21. Love, like; crush; affection; admire; want; appreciate
22. Appreciate: thankful, happy, admire, understand, love, adore
23. Girly: weak: not manly/strong: wimpy: like a girl
24. Manly is when you act like a man instead of girly
25. Pain: hurt: it can be emotional or physical pain
26. Rage: very angry: very furious through emotional passion
27. Passion is something you love to do or be
28. Annoyed: bothered, irritated, ticked off
29. Alone: lonely, forever alone (FA), isolated like leaders
30. Shame is a kind regret and hate for your own actions
31. Self-confidence: character confidence from within you
32. Trust, believe, faith; belief; religion; allegiance; pledge
33. Psychology: the study of why we do what we do as humans
34. Sociology: study of human interaction through demographics
35. Anthropology: study of sociology through world history
36. Chemicals & hormones controls & creates emotions
37. Heart: soul, spirit, might, will, gut: super-id: who we are inside
38. Nervous: tensed, uncertain, stressful, upset, unsure
39. Bored: not entertained: don't know what to do
40. Calm: peaceful, controlled, not wild, not too emotional
2015-11-17 Tuesday 8 AM SBH Q.1 TP.HCM
By Joey Arnold

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Yort Kcinroc

01. Ask somebody out on a date. Invite the girl to dinner
02. Ask around: ask people around you: question them
03. That adds up to $5. The total sum is $5. Fee. Price. Bill. Money
04. Back the truck up. Put it in reverse. Go backwards. Rewind
05. Back up the file. Save a copy of the document elsewhere
06. The car broke down. The car stopped working. Broken
07. Blow up balloons. Fill balloons up with air: inflate them
08. Robbers broke in & stole money from my house
09. Break in those new shoes: wear them more
10. She broke up with me: our romantic relationship ended: FA
11. Break out of jail: get out of prison: escape: get away
12. Rain brings me down, makes me sad, down, depressed
13. Call around: please call different people
14. Call it off. Cancel the meeting. Stop it. Change directions
15. Call her back. She called you on the phone. Return her call
16. Teachers call on (ask) students to answer questions
17. Call me up: call me: get a hold of me: contact me
18. Calm down: relax: chill: chillax: hold your horses
19. Rabbit couldn't catch up (get back). Turtle won the race
20. Check in (register, sign in, arrive) at hotel reception
21. Check out when you leave the hotel
22. Cheer up: become happier (happy): stop being sad
23. Chip in: help, pay money: give: donate: help out
24. Clean up the house: clean the house: wash: tidy up the house
25. Sandwiches come apart: split: separate: divide: fall apart
26. Marriages come apart through separations & divorce
27. Come forward: volunteer to help or confess a crime
28. Cut back on (reduce, stop) all the eating because you're fat
29. Cut in: interrupt a conversation: butt in: stick your nose in
30. Do away with trash. Get rid of it: abolish: end: stop: destroy
31. Dress up: put on some nice clothes
32. Drop back: move back in position: move from first to second
33. Drop out: quit: stop, surrender, stop going, stop coming
34. Eat out at a restaurant instead of eating a meal at home
35. Fall apart: break down: she broke up with me: broke my heart
36. Money fell out of my wallet & onto the ground: came out
37. Find out who killed her. Discover: investigate: search: find
38. Get across your ideas through language: communicate
39. Get along with your siblings in peace: stop fighting
40. Get around: travel: move: go: commute: mobility: able to
41. Get back to me on that. Return. Come back. Answer back
42. Get on the bus. Get in the car. Hop on the horse
43. Get together: meet. 44. Get up: stand up
45. Give in to temptations. Bite the apple. Compromise. Devolve
46. Give up, quit, surrender, stop, back down, go home
47. Go after it. Chase your dreams. Seek, follow, run after; try
48. Go ahead & do it. You can do it. Start. Begin. Proceed
49. Go back to your hometown to see your doctor. Return. Backtrack
50. Go out & get some fresh air. Go outside. Go somewhere
Fifty Phrasal Verbs & Sentences: English Vocabulary
2015-11-15 Sunday 10 AM SBH Q.1 HCM: Joey Arnold
Yort Kcinroc
Yort Kcinroc There are a lot of your definitions that are incorrect.
Joey Arnold
Joey Arnold you are wrong
Yort Kcinroc
Yort Kcinroc Your poor students lol.
Joey Arnold
Joey Arnold Yort Kcinroc you misunderstand why I write what I write: I write using thing that new English learners can understand: you have to learn to sympathize, empathize, adapt, relate, and go down to the levels of the readers: I use illustrations and certain ...See More
Like · Reply · 1 hr
Yort Kcinroc
Yort Kcinroc You've got it all wrong sunshine. SOME of your definitions are incorrect for the vocabulary or phrases you are posting. I didn't even mention using a dictionary or book definitions so that's not where I am coming from. If I was trying to be a bully I w...See More
Like · Reply · 1 hr
Joey Arnold

Write a reply...

Joey Arnold
Joey Arnold Yort Kcinroc, you misunderstand why I write what I write: I write using thing that new English learners can understand: you have to learn to sympathize, empathize, adapt, relate, and go down to the levels of the readers: I use illustrations and certain key words that may not necessarily be direct synonyms but are rather however related loosely and is therefore used more like examples or something like a brain storm reference which works much better than archaic book definitions that are far too boring for me and my students.... you are stuck in very old traditionalism that dwarfs your logic and reasoning skills..... you are just here to complain and to destroy.... you are a bully and you just want to make yourself feel better
Like · Reply · 1 hr
Yort Kcinroc
Yort Kcinroc You've got it all wrong sunshine. SOME of your definitions are incorrect for the vocabulary or phrases you are posting. I didn't even mention using a dictionary or book definitions so that's not where I am coming from. If I was trying to be a bully I would have given a much more scathing review of your (wrong) defintions and examples, but I chose to try and educate you in a polite way. If you as a teacher cannot take advice from other teachers then you've got your head in the sand. We all learn new things daily so I suggest you open your mind otherwise your poor students will be the ones suffering for your shortcomings.
Like · Reply · 1 hr
Joey Arnold
Joey Arnold No, wrong. You are wrong. There are reasons for what I write. You are in denial. You have a problem. You are closed minded. You are not evening listening to me. I am listening to you but you are not being clear enough. You suggested alternative deifinitions which may counter from mine but does not eliminate and disqualify the sentences and words that I wrote. I choose different ways of explaining things and you are not willing to accept it or you are pretending not to
Like · Reply · 1 hr
Yort Kcinroc
Yort Kcinroc Okay I've determined you are a typical unqualified ESL know it all teacher. I really feel sorry for the people you are attempting to educate.....Vietnamese people deserve better than you. You should be ashamed of yourself!
Joey Arnold
Joey Arnold Yort Kcinroc, you should grow up. You say things without sufficient evidence & prove. You are proving me right by ignoring what i say. What I have said has been ignored by you through premature judgment & justification. You do not determine as much as you say you do. You are just talking. You may not be a fluent speaker in English. It is possible that English is not your first language. I did not say that it was or wasn't. The difference between you and me is that I am open to be wrong while you're not. You've made up your mind a long time ago and that is why you will probably die sooner than me. You are not learning as much as me. I did not say that I was a know it all. You continue to say whatever you want without considering who you are talking to. You are not talking to me. That is the problem. You are actually only talking to who you think I am based through adn with your own lens of perception and perspective skewed by hate and pride that is ignorant and arrogant and partial abnd bias and outdated and expired..... you do not read what I write and you seem to be against illustrations and parables and applications and more innovative ways of learning, of education
Joey Arnold
Joey Arnold Yort Kcinroc, you should grow up. You say things without sufficient evidence & prove. You are proving me right by ignoring what i say. What I have said has been ignored by you through premature judgment & justification. You do not determine as much as you say you do. You are just talking. You may not be a fluent speaker in English. It is possible that English is not your first language. I did not say that it was or wasn't. The difference between you and me is that I am open to be wrong while you're not. You've made up your mind a long time ago and that is why you will probably die sooner than me. You are not learning as much as me. I did not say that I was a know it all. You continue to say whatever you want without considering who you are talking to. You are not talking to me. That is the problem. You are actually only talking to who you think I am based through adn with your own lens of perception and perspective skewed by hate and pride that is ignorant and arrogant and partial abnd bias and outdated and expired..... you do not read what I write and you seem to be against illustrations and parables and applications and more innovative ways of learning, of education

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Twenty English Words: Business Vocabulary

Twenty English Words: Business Vocabulary
By Joey Arnold
01. Business: company: work: professional: way to make money
02. Profit: surplus: earn more than you spend: when you make money
03. Deficit: shortage: loss: when you don't have enough money
04. Benefit: motivation: reason: advantage: purpose.... money
05. Balance: profit/dividend/remainder/difference: money you have
06. Fill-in: write: type: complete forms, applications, papers
07. Statement: bank transaction: activity: actions, record, archive
08. Chairman: head of a board of directors
09. Headquarters: base: main office, building: castle: White House
10. Reception: front office: help desk: customer service
11. Shareholder: person who owns a share (part) of a company
12. Vice-President: the second president or assistant
13. Agreements are made between two or more parties
14. Agreements are made & signed in contracts (paper documents)
15. Clause: special part, statement, thing, stipulation
16. Hereinafter: from now on: starting now
17. Hereto: here to: here for: to this: reason
18. Heretofore: up until now, until the present, before this (already)
19. In behalf of: in the interest of: representing: on behalf of
20. Null & void: bad, broken: invalid, expired, abandon, vacant
2015-11-13 Friday, 11:40 AM: SBH Q.1, HCM
Joey Arnold

Me on Craigslist

Joey Arnold (Q.1, TP.HCM)

image 1image 2image 3image 4
I'm an American English Teacher Tutor Coach. My name is Joey Arnold. You can call me the Original Oatmeal. You can find me on the internet. You can google my name. You can find me on Facebook. Just type in my name to find me. I was born in the year 1985, February 11, on a Monday morning to Marilyn Kathleen Morehead Cunningham Mitchell Pickett Hunter 1951 Washington & Donald Melvin Rasp 1950 California Hockings Vanderbyl Netherlands. I was born in the town of Forest Grove, in the state of Oregon, in the country of the United States of northern America.
I was homeschooled & then went off to Forest Grove High School 2000 - 2004, Word Of Life Bible Institute in New York 2004 - 2006, Appalachian Bible College in West Virginia 2006 - 2007, Salvation Army's Camp Kuratli 2007 & 2008, Camp Redwood Glen in 2010, & Revolution Hawaii 2007 - 2008. Later, I went to teach English in Vietnam in 2012.

I live in District 1 right now. I teach public and private classes. Some of the classes are for children and some are for adults. We focus on speaking and listening. We mostly focus on speaking.
Joey Arnold

My Facebook

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Learn Past Your Limits

Can you learn English? Here are three things you can do. First, you can listen to people speak in English. When you listen, please repeat & sing it. Let the rhythm ring & dance through your mind
Second, speak to people. Bark like a dog. Parrot, copy, & imitate what native speakers say. Please say the final sounds loudly, longer, & more often, at first. Say each syllable (sound, part, bit) to a word. Focus on each sound at a time. Compare & contrast different sounds & words. Write it down. For example, compare & practice the words "BACK" & "PACK." The letter B is said with a deeper vibration from the back of your throat. It is voiced. The sound is kept more in. Blow & spit out the P sound like gun shots. You are the police. Practice saying "TH" in "THAN" and "F" in "FAN" and "V" in "VAN." Bite your tongue for the "TH" sound. Bite your lips for "F." The "V" sound requires vibration. Please think in English. Make English a cornerstone for your life. Focus on fundamental formal English first before moving on to idioms, slang, & street English. Try to learn some grammar, some sentence structure basics, because that is the foundation to making your own sentences
Third, pass it on. Teach what you learn to others because that will help you learn it even more. Teachers are students. Writers are readers. Use it or lose it. No pain, no gain. Education must be memorable but also personal (personalized). Keep a blog. Have others read what you write. Ask them to leave you comments (feedback). Have fun as you are learning & practice. Learn hard. Work hard. Play harder. Appreciate what you got. Reward yourself when you reach goals you set. Learn English as you learn other things. Sing. Dance. Watch films with subtitles. Rap. Insanity is when you do the same things while expecting different results. Try different things. Don't punish yourself too much. Be consistent. Find teachers & friends that can challenge & push you pass your limits
Joey Arnold

2015-11-12 Thu 11:53 AM
Balo Hostel, 203 Pham ngu Lao, Q.1, TP.HCM
Joey Arnold Oatmeal