Saturday, May 23, 2015

Wall Street English Review 01

HI All,
Anyone worked or working with Wall Street English? Im curious to know what you think about the environment, management, and structure of their operations.
Good and bad experiences are warmly welcomed!
Please feel free to PM me if you don't want to post here.
  • Mark Denzler heard there was a high turnover in staff. In Q1 they already changed the manager twice.
  • Alison Chapman Haven't heard anything positive
  • Sarah Anne I work for WSE. It's the third English teaching job I have had in Vietnam and I like it much more than the other two. I think it is a really positive working environment for both students and staff.
  • Stephen McGrath Alison Chapman : marketing manager at a medical practice - a real authority on an English centre. If you haven't worked for them, and you're not a teacher, pull your head in.
  • Tim Bingham Stephen McGrath, everyone is allowed an opinion without being insulted by others. I actually don't think Wse are very good. What do I know? Am only an English teacher and lived here 3 years!
  • Stephen McGrath Tim, they may well not be. Point is, Alison is not in the industry, and the op is looking for informed opinion. Side note: I'm also a teacher & have worked here for 7 years. I have an opinion but no knowledge of WSE, so rightfully keep my opinion to myself.
  • Justin Colebrissi Mark Denzler any idea why the staff turnover?Sarah Annewhat makes it better than other places? Which location are you at (if you want to share) and how long have you been there?
  • Sarah Anne I'll PM you, Justin.
  • Mark Denzler Justin Justin Colebrissi I don't know why, just heard from teachers who work there.
  • Kye Poirrier From my understanding , if you work at Wse on a full time basis, it's. 37 million per month for about 40 hours a week, plus medical insurance . So if that's your thing go for it
    1 hr · Like
  • Joey Arnold Wall Street had trouble in other countries. They came to Vietnam some years ago with a few teachers. Students spend most of the time learning on their computers and they get a minimum exposure to speaking with foreigners
    I was born 1985 in the USA & moved to Vietnam in 2012. I talk to Vietnamese about their experience here, at VUS, and other places. Normally, centers are not effective enough. Instead, schools are focused more on making money instead of getting the Vietnamese to excel independently

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