- Joey Arnoldwhat kind of love do you want your mother to have?you can find eBooksdo you want your mother to ONLY REACT PURELY ON RAW UNTAMED RAGING EMOTIONS?
- James McKinneyAn example from the book...
- James McKinney. Physical touch
To this person, nothing speaks more deeply than appropriate touch. That doesn't mean only in the bedroom — everyday physical connections, like handholding, kissing, or any type of re-affirming physical contact is greatly appreciated. A person who speaks the language of physical touch isn't necessarily an over-the-top PDAer, but getting a little touchy-feely does make them feel safe and loved. Any instance of physical abuse is a total deal breaker. - Joey Arnoldthese are applications of love
- James McKinneyYes
- James McKinneyActs of service
For these people, actions speak louder than words. People who speak the language of service want their partner to recognize that their life is rough and help them out in any way possible. Lending a helping hand shows you really care. People who thrive on this language do not deal well with broken promises — or perceived laziness — and have very little tolerance for people who make more work for them. Basically, if you're not willing to show your appreciation by doing them a favor, you're saying you don't value them. - Joey ArnoldI read this book
- 3:26pmPhi Yen Dang left the conversation.
- Joey Arnold5 applications for love
- James McKinneyBut having application of love..Being able.to respond and understand how one shows love in itself is part of loving someone.
- Đỗ Đình ThiênIm sure joey is good at typing
- Joey Arnoldreceiving gifts, quality time, words of affirmation, acts of service (devotion), and physical touch.
- Joey Arnoldthe root of love is very importantthe FIVE roots from the CORE of love
- James McKinneyUnderstanding how to love ..Kids, parents, friends, enemies, strangers, and self is in truth Love.
- Joey Arnoldwhich is the meaning to life
- Đỗ Đình ThiênI hope u would tag more americans to this group for fun
Who defines the root of love? - James McKinneySome love, will have conditions for some people. Because , of being hurt or damaged in the past. Does not mean they do not love, it means they do not trust themselves to be loved as they should.
- Joey ArnoldDo Dinh has a good question
- Đỗ Đình ThiênHave u ever failed in any love relationship?
- Joey Arnoldyes
- Đỗ Đình ThiênHow?
- Joey Arnoldby not being married
- James McKinneyWe.say the heart defines love. So by doing so there is no logic.
- Đỗ Đình ThiênEngaging?
- Joey Arnoldwe try
- James McKinney***some say. No we
- Đỗ Đình ThiênI dont think the heart is rational to define love
- Joey Arnoldagreedlove and morality must be defined by authority
- Đỗ Đình ThiênWe must consider why and where we have the feeling of love
- Joey Arnoldwhat is more important, objectivity or subjectivity?
- James McKinneyI am human.. I have failed at everything. My success is because I learn from failed attempts.
- Đỗ Đình ThiênThere must be knotty stuffs to figure out
- James McKinneyKnotty????
- Đỗ Đình ThiênYep. In vietnamese language, we have a saying, failure is the mother of success
- Joey Arnoldlove can be rationalizedit is better to fail than to regretlove can be justified
- Đỗ Đình ThiênYes, knottyKnotty things that need discovering and sorting outU get my word" knotty"?JamesJoey
- James McKinneyYes
- Đỗ Đình ThiênI mean challenging and alittle tiring
- Joey ArnoldDo Dinh, but your question about who defines love IS SO IMPORTANT
- Đỗ Đình ThiênWe need to extricate those thingsEven what kinda love it isYesU should help me answerIt
- Joey Arnoldwho defines morality?
- James McKinneySociety
- Đỗ Đình ThiênWho knows?
Who defines etiquette - Joey Arnoldsome societies DEEM CANNIBALISM AS MORAL
- James McKinneyExactly..
- Joey Arnoldis that really moral?
- James McKinneyIn that society yes.. in others no
- Joey Arnoldwho decides which societies are which societies?
- James McKinneyThe government and religious factions of the largest society of the area .
- James McKinneyWell the government is the law maker. The laws are based off of the morals of the given society. Right or wrong it is the way of the world. Morality is taught to each of us, so as time changes so do the morals of each person.
- Joey Arnoldstealing is ok?
- James McKinneyAre you asking me?
- Đỗ Đình ThiênStealing is not included in moralityJoey is keeping his nose to the grindstone on everything
- Joey Arnoldstealing is not moral or immoral?
- Đỗ Đình ThiênImmoral
- James McKinneyMy moral belief , would say that stealing is not OK. However that is because of the society and the morals I was raised with. I think a better question for morality would be " why is there a society built so when feels they have to steal. "Why in a moral world is there rich and poor.
- Joey Arnoldis stealing the same as borrowing?
- James McKinneyBorrowing is using/taking witht he intent to give or replace the item or value of such item.With permission.Stealing it taking without the intent of replacing , or the knowledge of the owner
- Joey Arnoldwhat should a foreigner do in a different country if somebody steals their phone?
- James McKinneyHa ha .. are you going to steal my phone Joey.. ha ha ha
- Joey Arnoldin my society, it is allowed
- Đỗ Đình ThiênU should call the police
- Joey Arnoldbut the society justifies it
- Đỗ Đình ThiênWhat is ur society?
- Đỗ Đình ThiênIsnt it different from america
- Joey ArnoldI do not live there
- Đỗ Đình ThiênIt may be named joeymerica
- Joey ArnoldJoe-Mericayesin my society, I can rape and murder little girls and boys
- Đỗ Đình ThiênYes, u rre the President of stealing, raping, murdering thereWould u visit joeymerica james?
- Joey Arnoldmany lie in VietnamI catch people lying to me in VietnamVietnamese tell me that lying is ok
- James McKinneyPeople lie everywhere.
- Đỗ Đình ThiênI dont think it is hard to believe in lie
- Joey Arnoldpeople murder too
- James McKinneyYes
- Joey Arnoldso, that means murder is ok then?
- Đỗ Đình ThiênU are what u are nowU know how to judge
- Joey Arnoldif you lied, you continue to lie
- Đỗ Đình ThiênLying will ruin ur prestige
- James McKinneyI murdered some ants today
- Joey ArnoldVietnamese tell me to be careful of PHONE ROBBERS
- Đỗ Đình ThiênSure
- Joey Arnoldif killing ants is ok, why not kill your mother?
- Đỗ Đình ThiênThere are many robbers omnipresentNot only in vietnam
- James McKinneyI think they came from joeymerica
- Đỗ Đình ThiênYesJoeymerica
- Joey ArnoldVietnamese place the MAIN BLAME on the STEALEE and not the STEALERthey see the robbers as an incurable disease that cannot stop like a tornadolike the borglike a fire or cancernot personal
- James McKinneyIndia I had three phones stolen..And two wallets. Germany I had my laptop stole from me, and Ireland I had items stole from me as well. In the US I was held at gunpoint for and the robber stole $60 USD..
- Joey Arnoldthey think of it as a normal thing that will never changeokwe can study psychology to see why people steal too
- Đỗ Đình ThiênWhere is joeymerica situation?SituatedStealing is better than robbingIm afraid of robbers
- Joey Arnoldan island in the oceanrobbers are like bullies whom win when you fear them more
- James McKinneySo the question is.. what is wrong with he society's that make people want to steal.. do they steal out.of need or out.of want or because it's fun.
- Joey Arnoldokgood questionnothing is wrong if society defines what is wrong and rightif society defines morality and if that society declares theft moral, then nothing is wrong
- James McKinneyWhen it comes to morels and mortality.. At best, we can only say that morality is normative, while acknowledging that our sense of right and wrong will change over time.
- Joey Arnoldwhy change?
- James McKinneyThat change is based on the society and control of the society to which we submit/release/choose
- Joey Arnoldsociety can choose to murder Jews?
- James McKinneyIf the law allows homosexual marriage . Is it still moral? For me Growing up in the USA is was not. However 40 years later and it is now considered moral and widely accepted.
- Joey ArnoldAre Muslims part of a society?
- James McKinneyWeather I, you or my neighbor accepts them or have personal opinions in regards is a different conversation. But Muslims are part of society in many countries.
- Joey ArnoldIslam teaches Jihad
- James McKinneyHitler said he was a Christian.
- Joey Arnoldstudy the Dark Ages
- Đỗ Đình ThiênBuddhism instruct doctrine
- Joey Arnoldstudy the Golden Ages
- Đỗ Đình ThiênStudy buddhism
- Joey ArnoldLook at ShariaJihad endorses the genocide of infidelsLook at the founder from 700 AD
- James McKinneyDoesn't matter what they teach, or what the belief. The question was are they part of society. The answer is yes .Every religion is part of society, most society's have a dominant religion that allows control of the standard morla beliefs .
- Joey Arnoldcan a culture eat up another culture?
- James McKinneyYes..
- Joey Arnoldwill you let people come into your house to kill your family?
- Joey Arnoldwill you let me inside?let me come in and eat you upI'm a TROJAN HORSEit seems you believe in SUBJECTIVITY
- Joey Arnoldshould my SOCIETY be allowed to destroy your SOCIETY?
- Joey Arnoldwhat is society?
- Joey Arnoldwhat is right and what is wrong?
- Joey Arnoldit goes back to his question
- Robert Johnnothing is wrong and right lol
- Joey ArnoldI can kill you?
- Robert Johnwelcomehow dare you?
- Joey Arnoldwhy would you ask me that?
- Robert Johni am happy to be killed by you
- Joey Arnoldwhy succeed in life?
- Robert Johnbase on poeple's ability
- Joey Arnoldwhy not fail?
- Robert Johnbecause of conditions let them fail
- Joey Arnolddo you want to fail?
- Robert Johnno, i am in a good condition, so i dont fail anymore
- Joey Arnolddo you DESIRE OR WANT to fail?
- Robert Johnnone of them
Friday, December 30, 2016
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