Monday, August 1, 2016


  • Conversation started 24 July
  • Ted Pickett
    24/07/2016 13:49
    Ted Pickett
    Joey Please stop. You are my cousin. i don't hate Trump. I don't hate you. I don't hate the way you are raised. I hate the hate that has been in politics. I don't know how much this has hurt your business. You are young and Idealistic. It is good to be passionate about what you beleive in. Don't invite hate. Jesus hung out with the sinners. He was not cool with the religious. Please stop, I am sorry if ever posted anything that disagreed with your beeliefs. Please stop.
  • Ted Pickett
    24/07/2016 14:16
    Ted Pickett
    Joey. Please no political posts on my page. If you want to alienate your own busines that is your choice. Just not on my page. some of the people who have blocked you are more conservative than liberal. You need to stop. If you want political discsions we can do this on message but not on my page.
  • Joey Arnold
    24/07/2016 14:18
    Joey Arnold
    Ted, I am against your request. You need to block me because you are doing a bad thing. I am angry at you. I do not like that. I am conservative. Why would a conservative block another conservative person? I do not understand.
    I was not being political
    I was reacting to your post
    My comments are simply comments that are opinions
    that are related to your post
    but I did not create a new post on your timeline
    and I stayed within the topic of your post the whole time
    I said what I said to people in that post and I did stop
    I don't think I create hate... I think the hate was already there inside people
  • Ted Pickett
    24/07/2016 14:22
    Ted Pickett
    I am neither Conservative or Liberal. Jesus was not political. He was against politics. When he was asked is it right to pay taxes he said show me a coin. When they did he said who's picture is on it/ when they said ceaser he said "render unto ceaser that that belongs to ceaser". When ask is he king and wher his kingdome is he said "y I fo yu
  • Ted Pickett
    24/07/2016 14:22
    Ted Pickett
    is not of this worlds.
    He said my kingdom is not of this world.
  • Joey Arnold
    24/07/2016 14:23
    Joey Arnold
  • Ted Pickett
    24/07/2016 14:26
    Ted Pickett
    Please understand i am not you enemy.
    Please do nor alienate my freinds. Maybe my role is different.
  • Joey Arnold
    24/07/2016 14:26
    Joey Arnold
    alienation is really hard to avoid
    people spend their lives trying to be perfect and loved by everybody
  • Ted Pickett
    24/07/2016 14:27
    Ted Pickett
    I am 52. I don't know everything but I have a different world view than you.
  • Joey Arnold
    24/07/2016 14:27
    Joey Arnold
    people who know me personally do not feel alienated with me
    I act differently in real life than I act online
  • Ted Pickett
    24/07/2016 14:28
    Ted Pickett
    Jesus did say to be the salt of the earth so what i take from that is if you can bring a little joy and light to thier lives , you are doing God's work.
  • Joey Arnold
    24/07/2016 14:28
    Joey Arnold
    I write differently than I act in real life
  • Ted Pickett
    24/07/2016 14:29
    Ted Pickett
    Find your way and deal face to face with love.
    I have said what i said, and imean no disrespect.
  • Joey Arnold
    24/07/2016 14:30
    Joey Arnold
    When I write, I feel I must find new ways to say things
    in order to make an impact
    in order to create new ideas inside people
    writing the same old things the same old ways could be the definition of insanity
  • Ted Pickett
    24/07/2016 14:31
    Ted Pickett
    I know plenty of young people with an idealistic set of standards. But if your ideas are to try and conviince people you are right and they are wrong you will never win. Trust me I have had an online presence for well over 10 years.
  • Joey Arnold
    24/07/2016 14:31
    Joey Arnold
    the woman made fun of my mother and I wanted to say something
    I understand that it is often hard to persuade others
  • Ted Pickett
    24/07/2016 14:32
    Ted Pickett
    There is an olde Christian song that says 'They will know we are Christians by our love" never forget that.
  • Joey Arnold
    24/07/2016 14:32
    Joey Arnold
    I don't have a problem if people disagree with me, but I do have a problem if people can't think more logically through what I think FIRST before choosing to disagree
  • Ted Pickett
    24/07/2016 14:34
    Ted Pickett
    I have friends that are Conservative and I even have friends that are hardcore Athiestist/Socialist. If I come on strong and combativie I will never rweach them but if I come in with love, humor and understanding , there is still a chance. It's OK to disagree with me
  • Joey Arnold
    24/07/2016 14:34
    Joey Arnold
    I like philosophy and I like it if people can explain in details how they disagree, and I can try to accept that
  • Ted Pickett
    24/07/2016 14:35
    Ted Pickett
    The bilbe says " a soft answer turns away rath"
  • Joey Arnold
    24/07/2016 14:35
    Joey Arnold
    and the truth in love
  • Ted Pickett
    24/07/2016 14:36
    Ted Pickett
    My path is about promoting what i do then giving them love. Remember God is Love.
  • Joey Arnold
    24/07/2016 14:36
  • Ted Pickett
    24/07/2016 14:36
    Ted Pickett
    The Pharasies were aboutpushing legalism and hate. Jesus lived in love
  • Joey Arnold
    24/07/2016 14:36
    Joey Arnold
    Love includes grace, mercy, kindness, forgiveness
  • Ted Pickett
    24/07/2016 14:37
  • Joey Arnold
    24/07/2016 14:37
  • Ted Pickett
    24/07/2016 14:37
    Ted Pickett
    Jesus said love your enemies.
  • Joey Arnold
    24/07/2016 14:37
    Joey Arnold
  • Ted Pickett
    24/07/2016 14:37
    Ted Pickett
    He never requird you enemies to love you back
    I cannot tell you what to do.. but in my older age of experience I can only advise that you promote you business.
  • Joey Arnold
    24/07/2016 14:40
    Joey Arnold
    but I am bit confused as to what my business is and I don't know if I am going to change my job or not
    I see my business mostly as my ministry in sharing truth and love with people
    I don't want to think of business as dependent on money alone
  • Ted Pickett
    24/07/2016 14:42
    Ted Pickett
    I truely believe that if God has a plan it does not matter which party is in power. God will make a way where there is no way. You have managed to make it through Vietnam with the Grace of God. never forget his love and compasion and please relate love and compasion to other people.
  • Joey Arnold
    24/07/2016 14:45
    Joey Arnold
    Vietnamese tend to try to take advantage of me, and I struggle
    I am always trying to help ... but I worry sometimes about that
  • Ted Pickett
    24/07/2016 14:48
    Ted Pickett
    I just has a simular conversation with a freind of mone's daughter. She came from being envolved in a youth ministry where ther was some coruptiond
    and wrong doing by the Christian pastor
  • Joey Arnold
    24/07/2016 14:49
    Joey Arnold
    love is split between grace and justice.... and I would focus on justice..... but God wants us to focus on showing people grace
  • Ted Pickett
    24/07/2016 14:50
    Ted Pickett
    Her ideals have changed but i did encourage her to follow hwr heart.
  • Joey Arnold
    24/07/2016 14:50
  • Ted Pickett
    24/07/2016 14:56
    Ted Pickett
    At this point it is really easy to focus on the injustice of the world. There is so much information bombarding us and making us reactive. We are drowning in information but starving for wisdom. The Bible said to seek wisdom. It also said a wise man is a man of few words. Therefor even a fool is thought to be wise when kept silent. It is hard to remain silent when there is so much information and emotion attached to it. I even struggle with keeping silent myself. Live a live of love. when I started in real estate i had a mentor that told me"try not to be attached th the final outcome". Word of wisdom not only attached to business but every day life.
  • Joey Arnold
    24/07/2016 15:01
    Joey Arnold
    agreed and I memorized Bible verses as a kid... and the world is more crowded now...
    I do not like what Jesse Taylor is saying
  • Ted Pickett
    24/07/2016 15:02
    Ted Pickett
    It is. And maybe more confusing now.
    Live love and it doesn't mattrer what other peps say
  • Joey Arnold
    24/07/2016 15:04
    Joey Arnold
    I'm not breaking your rules.... it seems Jesse is saying I am
  • Ted Pickett
    24/07/2016 15:04
    Ted Pickett
    I send much love out to you. Please live in the love of christ!
    I did request no plotics.
  • Joey Arnold
    24/07/2016 15:06
    Joey Arnold
    But outside of the initial post
  • Ted Pickett
    24/07/2016 15:06
    Ted Pickett
    If you want to talk, I am always available via messaging....
  • Joey Arnold
    24/07/2016 15:06
    Joey Arnold
    this initial post is not included in that
    it is thereafter clause
    you should be open minded to the comments
  • Ted Pickett
    24/07/2016 15:07
    Ted Pickett
    I can talk politics, God, music, and bring it back. I am probably gonna take doen my post.
  • Joey Arnold
    24/07/2016 15:07
    Joey Arnold
    but you alienate people if you say they are not allowed to react to your post
  • Ted Pickett
    24/07/2016 15:07
    Ted Pickett
    I would like to see your business do well.
  • Joey Arnold
    24/07/2016 15:07
    Joey Arnold
    I was not talking politics
    I was making an anology
  • Ted Pickett
    24/07/2016 15:07
    Ted Pickett
    Keep advertizing it and reaching out as a servant
  • Joey Arnold
    24/07/2016 15:08
    Joey Arnold
  • Ted Pickett
    24/07/2016 15:08
    Ted Pickett
    Christ always said to be servant.
  • Joey Arnold
    24/07/2016 15:08
    Joey Arnold
    I wrote an analogy about politics but I didn't talk specifically about politics
    I made a comparison
    and comparisons are not politics
  • Ted Pickett
    24/07/2016 15:09
    Ted Pickett
    It's Ok. Not everyone want's a debate.
    Love is what the world need.
    Be the Salt of the earth
  • Joey Arnold
    24/07/2016 15:09
    Joey Arnold
    my response to your post was not saying I would talk about politics on your Facebook in the future
    people do not have to debate if they don't want to, but they should let me present my case
  • Ted Pickett
    24/07/2016 15:10
    Ted Pickett
    You have case on your page.
    I have said what I need.
  • Joey Arnold
    24/07/2016 15:11
    Joey Arnold
    You said, no politics. And I said everything is politics. But that does not mean I am talking about politics. I made a quick observation. I wrote a quick title for a book for example. But I did not get in depth in your post.
  • Ted Pickett
    24/07/2016 15:11
    Ted Pickett
    You do not have to agree with me. I don't ever expect people to agree with me all the time.
  • Joey Arnold
    24/07/2016 15:12
    Joey Arnold
    I really do respect your decision, but I do not want to say that publicly
  • Ted Pickett
    24/07/2016 15:13
    Ted Pickett
    Everything can be politics but as it says in Eclesiastic " There is a time and season for everything."
  • Joey Arnold
    24/07/2016 15:14
    Joey Arnold
    If your NEW POST is about bananas, then I will not talk about politics there. BUT THIS POST IS ABOUT NOT TALKING ABOUT POLITICS. That is the topic. But it seems they say I'm breaking your rules by talking about that topic
    I should have the freedom to talk about the topic of your post which is about not talking about politics
    It is kind of like a double negative
  • Ted Pickett
    24/07/2016 15:18
    Ted Pickett
    I promote my real estate, my music and my acoustic gigs. What I give in return is a part of my heart. The expertIse I have in real estate, my heart and soul in music, and when I play the acoustic music in retirement homes the smiles I can get from the seniors. At the point what light in my heart is all I give. That's the joy of the Lord , the holy spirit you give to others. Let the light be from your heart. Idealism may be a way you identify but forcing that on others, in my 52 years of experience does not work. Be a light.
  • Joey Arnold
    24/07/2016 15:20
    Joey Arnold
    But why can't they just ignore my comments on your post? That would be the better idea for them
  • Ted Pickett
    24/07/2016 15:20
    Ted Pickett
    It shows up on the message feed of all my friends.'
  • Joey Arnold
    24/07/2016 15:20
    Joey Arnold
    if they want to NOT TALK ABOUT POLITICS to respect you, then they NED TO ignore my comments
    THEY NEED TO ignore it..... Yes, it shows up in the newsfeeds but they cans till ignore it
  • Ted Pickett
    24/07/2016 15:21
    Ted Pickett
    Ther are many forums for you to get out your opinions. My intitial post was about not doing it on my page.. or wall
  • Joey Arnold
    24/07/2016 15:21
    Joey Arnold
    but it is already on your wall
  • Ted Pickett
    24/07/2016 15:22
    Ted Pickett
    How would you feel if someone posted the vitures of Anton Levet
  • Joey Arnold
    24/07/2016 15:22
    Joey Arnold
    I am not sure
  • Ted Pickett
    24/07/2016 15:22
    Ted Pickett
    Ley's "Satanism' on you wall
  • Joey Arnold
    24/07/2016 15:22
    Joey Arnold
    I do not care
  • Ted Pickett
    24/07/2016 15:22
    Ted Pickett
    I don't think you would like it.
  • Joey Arnold
    24/07/2016 15:22
    Joey Arnold
    if I do care, I will disable that feature
    I disagree
    you do not know me that well
    I let people do what they want to some extent
  • Ted Pickett
    24/07/2016 15:23
    Ted Pickett
    I know your mother has described you as a dreamer.
  • Joey Arnold
    24/07/2016 15:23
  • Ted Pickett
    24/07/2016 15:24
    Ted Pickett
    I also know your developmet was slower than many.
  • Joey Arnold
    24/07/2016 15:24
    Joey Arnold
    it started late
  • Ted Pickett
    24/07/2016 15:24
    Ted Pickett
    I would not want to post that about you out of respect.
  • Joey Arnold
    24/07/2016 15:24
    Joey Arnold
    it was always there but it was blocked by my ears
  • Ted Pickett
    24/07/2016 15:24
    Ted Pickett
    for you.
  • Joey Arnold
    24/07/2016 15:24
    Joey Arnold
    I believe that doing what is right is more important than respect
  • Ted Pickett
    24/07/2016 15:25
    Ted Pickett
    I would also ask out of respect for me that you would not post things that I don't want on my page.
  • Joey Arnold
    24/07/2016 15:25
    Joey Arnold
    What I wrote is not much different than what my brother wrote, but WHY DID PEOPLE RESPOND TO ME DIFFERENTLY?
    did I post on your wall?
    Post does not mean comment
  • Ted Pickett
    24/07/2016 15:26
    Ted Pickett
    So is it right that I post that you had a hard time developing be right?
    Yes you did
  • Joey Arnold
    24/07/2016 15:26
    Joey Arnold
    I have already wrote that
    I may have tagged you
  • Ted Pickett
    24/07/2016 15:26
    Ted Pickett
    I deleted it.
  • Joey Arnold
    24/07/2016 15:26
    Joey Arnold
    but tag is not the same as post
    I make videos and I write things about my life in details
  • Ted Pickett
    24/07/2016 15:26
    Ted Pickett
    I want to encourage you
  • Joey Arnold
    24/07/2016 15:27
    Joey Arnold
    I let people say anything they want about me anywhere
    but me and brother have the same ideas basically, but my brother wrote differently than me
  • Ted Pickett
    24/07/2016 15:27
    Ted Pickett
    I think you have some smarts and I want to encourage you.
    I don't want to say bad things about you, one because you are my cousin, two because I want to encourage you.
  • Joey Arnold
    24/07/2016 15:30
    Joey Arnold
    but that is not relevant
    not really
  • Ted Pickett
    24/07/2016 15:30
    Ted Pickett
    I think your brother is a bit more subtle where you are a bit more obvious. I don't think that's nessisarily a bad thing but it can come off as insesituve and arogant.
  • Joey Arnold
    24/07/2016 15:30
  • Ted Pickett
    24/07/2016 15:31
    Ted Pickett
    I know your business has struggled because you speak your mind.
    What I am saying is you can speak your mind on your own page and that's cool with me.
  • Joey Arnold
    24/07/2016 15:34
    Joey Arnold
    but people spoke their mind on your post.... but then you said I can't speak my mind in the same way they spoke their mind on your post about politics
  • Ted Pickett
    24/07/2016 15:37
    Ted Pickett
    They spoke thier mind about not liking politics. If somebody spoke thier mind about how great the othetr candidate is I would say the same thing.
    But even if I didn't it's my page, not yours. I can do what i want.
    i could block you but i would rather not.
  • Joey Arnold
    24/07/2016 15:39
    Joey Arnold
    you like them because they agree with me and I'm bad because I disagree?
    I mean
    with you
    you like them because they agree with you
  • Ted Pickett
    24/07/2016 15:40
    Ted Pickett
    if your idealism is so hateful and angry thay you cannot accept anyone that does not 1005 agree with you then you are not opperating under Christ's love. You are opporating under idealogy that is differnet than Jesus
  • Joey Arnold
    24/07/2016 15:40
    Joey Arnold
    I did not say that
    I did not say that at all
    you need to look at what I actually say
    I accept that people see that some things are not political
    I offered my view
  • Ted Pickett
    24/07/2016 15:41
    Ted Pickett
    If I ask you to rewspect my opinon not post your political idealogy on my page then you are indicating that you don't respect me.
  • Joey Arnold
    24/07/2016 15:42
    Joey Arnold
    ok, if that is how you see it, then I am disrespecting you
  • Ted Pickett
    24/07/2016 15:42
    Ted Pickett
    You are also taking the unfortunate path of pushing idealism over the love of Christ.
  • Joey Arnold
    24/07/2016 15:42
    Joey Arnold
    and I am choosing to disrespect you therefore, but I don't do it for no reason
  • Ted Pickett
    24/07/2016 15:43
    Ted Pickett
    If that is the path yo choose the choice is up to you.
  • Joey Arnold
    24/07/2016 15:43
    Joey Arnold
    the love of Christ can breath through idealism
  • Ted Pickett
    24/07/2016 15:44
    Ted Pickett
    If you are pushing idealism you are not promoting love.
    You either have love for your enemies or oppisition based on an attachement which is more important.
    If you choose to push that I can only tell my freinds that it must be base on your developmental disabilities or your blatant disrespect for thier opinions. Which one is it?
  • Joey Arnold
    24/07/2016 15:47
    Joey Arnold
    I believe in things differently
    I believe that both can occur
    I believe in dualism of love and ideas
    I believe in the truth in love
    I believe in trying new things
  • Ted Pickett
    24/07/2016 15:47
    Ted Pickett
    You have been asked by both me and even some of my conservative friends to not push your idealism.
  • Joey Arnold
    24/07/2016 15:48
    Joey Arnold
    I am against political correctness
  • Ted Pickett
    24/07/2016 15:48
    Ted Pickett
    I don't know why you like to make enemies
  • Joey Arnold
    24/07/2016 15:48
    Joey Arnold
    I deny your request
    I am not making enemies
    they are already enemies
    I am holding a flashlight
    the light does not create the darkness
  • Ted Pickett
    24/07/2016 15:49
    Ted Pickett
    Do you still speak with you sisterw?
  • Joey Arnold
    24/07/2016 15:50
  • Ted Pickett
    24/07/2016 15:50
  • Joey Arnold
    24/07/2016 15:50
    Joey Arnold
    I try to speak with them but they do not write back
    and we have had fights over the years
  • Ted Pickett
    24/07/2016 15:51
    Ted Pickett
    Did you ever think it might have something to do with your aprach?
  • Joey Arnold
    24/07/2016 15:51
    Joey Arnold
    I know everybody hates me, but I believe in what I do
    it is pretty common
    they didn't like how dedicated I was to our home videos either that we made as kids
  • Ted Pickett
    24/07/2016 15:52
    Ted Pickett
    I don't think people hate you. I think you are a confused hurt individual that does not know how to cope with people
  • Joey Arnold
    24/07/2016 15:52
    Joey Arnold
    I am not hurt
    you are trying to make sense of it
    meet me in person and get to know who I really am and you would not say that
  • Ted Pickett
    24/07/2016 15:53
    Ted Pickett
    You hide behind your attachment to what you think you are. You choose to piss people off.
    I think I met you when you were two or three.
  • Joey Arnold
    24/07/2016 15:53
    Joey Arnold
    I do not choose to piss people off
    I saw you in 2000 too
    my focus is not on pissing people off but rather on giving them medicine
  • Ted Pickett
    24/07/2016 15:54
    Ted Pickett
    I seems to me you feel the need to be right more than you feel the need to have freinds. even to your own detriment.
  • Joey Arnold
    24/07/2016 15:55
    Joey Arnold
    medicine pisses people off
    agreed, I only want to be right
    I do not want to have normal conversations about the weather or sports or food
    how could being right be a bad thing?
  • Ted Pickett
    24/07/2016 15:56
    Ted Pickett
    Well then that might be your problrm. Could you ever accept the possibility that you might not be right?
  • Joey Arnold
    24/07/2016 15:56
    Joey Arnold
    I choose to not have friends
    I think about if I am right or wrong every hour
    everyday, I ask myself questions
  • Ted Pickett
    24/07/2016 15:57
    Ted Pickett
    Do you beat yourself up when you think you might be wrong?
  • Joey Arnold
    24/07/2016 15:57
    Joey Arnold
    I am always asking myself and asking God and figuring out better ways in doing things and in thinking and in everything
    In the past, I've been mad when I was wrong at times, but I am normally able to have some perspective
    and I have been changing during the past ten years even, now that I am 31 years old
  • Ted Pickett
    24/07/2016 15:58
    Ted Pickett
    Did you ever feel like your approval from your Mother or father was always based on how well you reflected on them?
  • Joey Arnold
    24/07/2016 15:59
    Joey Arnold
    I have not seen my family in 3 or more years, and I am not as mean or as rude now as I was before
    I did not think much about that
    my approval was mostly internal and not based on what others thought
  • Ted Pickett
    24/07/2016 16:00
    Ted Pickett
    So when are you ever going to connect with anyone instead of always feeling like you have to prove yourself right?
  • Joey Arnold
    24/07/2016 16:00
    Joey Arnold
    it was more effected by mother than my father
    I connect with people all the time and I can do both
  • Ted Pickett
    24/07/2016 16:01
    Ted Pickett
    For how long do you connect with them?
  • Joey Arnold
    24/07/2016 16:01
    Joey Arnold
    I do not actually think I have to be right, but it is a good goal
    I email my brother and mother everyday or every week
  • Ted Pickett
    24/07/2016 16:01
    Ted Pickett
    Well good.
    Do they give you money?
  • Joey Arnold
    24/07/2016 16:02
    Joey Arnold
    we talk about politics and anything and everything.... but my sisters don't talk politics.... and I do not like that they avoid politics
    they do not give me money
    nobody gives me money
    i am dependent on myself
  • Ted Pickett
    24/07/2016 16:02
    Ted Pickett
    How do you get by?
  • Joey Arnold
    24/07/2016 16:03
    Joey Arnold
    I work
    I have a job
    freelance English Teacher
  • Ted Pickett
    24/07/2016 16:03
    Ted Pickett
    Teaching English?
  • Joey Arnold
    24/07/2016 16:03
    Joey Arnold
    people practice English with me and give me money
  • Ted Pickett
    24/07/2016 16:04
    Ted Pickett
    I see your posts. It seems like a lot of people don't agree.
  • Joey Arnold
    24/07/2016 16:04
    Joey Arnold
    they do not know me in person
    many people on my Facebook never met me
  • Ted Pickett
    24/07/2016 16:04
    Ted Pickett
    Your sister do right?
  • Joey Arnold
    24/07/2016 16:05
    Joey Arnold
    I am not sure what my sisters think specifically but they Katie wishes me the best I guess
  • Ted Pickett
    24/07/2016 16:06
    Ted Pickett
    I don't have anything more to say.
    Did they block you?
  • Joey Arnold
    24/07/2016 16:09
    Joey Arnold
    they have blocked me a few times I think.... currently, Crystal is my friend on Facebook and I do not see Katie here
  • Ted Pickett
    24/07/2016 16:11
    Ted Pickett
    Well I think it is indeed possible that you have a Narcissistic personality disorder.
  • Joey Arnold
    24/07/2016 16:11
  • Ted Pickett
    24/07/2016 16:11
    Ted Pickett
    You probably should seek medical help.
    Has anyone else suggested this to you?
  • Joey Arnold
    24/07/2016 16:13
    Joey Arnold
    no thank you
    you are not the first person to tell me this
    I have heard this many times
  • Ted Pickett
    24/07/2016 16:13
    Ted Pickett
    So what do you think is wrong with you?
  • Joey Arnold
    24/07/2016 16:13
    Joey Arnold
    but I disagree
    I am not wrong
    you are assuming that people are right and that I am wrong
    I disagree
  • Ted Pickett
    24/07/2016 16:14
    Ted Pickett
    That's one of the first symtoms of Narsisism.
  • Joey Arnold
    24/07/2016 16:14
    Joey Arnold
    you want me to conform to society
  • Ted Pickett
    24/07/2016 16:14
    Ted Pickett
    I would just perfer you not to be an asshole on my page.
  • Joey Arnold
    24/07/2016 16:14
    Joey Arnold
    you need to block me
  • Ted Pickett
    24/07/2016 16:14
    Ted Pickett
    I don't think you are truly an ass hole
    Why are you so hateful?
  • Joey Arnold
    24/07/2016 16:15
    Joey Arnold
    I am who I am and I do what I do
    I am not hateful
  • Ted Pickett
    24/07/2016 16:15
    Ted Pickett
    Why do you want to be blocked?
  • Joey Arnold
    24/07/2016 16:15
    Joey Arnold
    I want you to understand how important this is
    I do not want anybody to block me, but this is very important
  • Ted Pickett
    24/07/2016 16:16
    Ted Pickett
    Do you feel it adds to some martyrism status?
  • Joey Arnold
    24/07/2016 16:16
    Joey Arnold
    I think about that sometimes
    I am not exactly sure
  • Ted Pickett
    24/07/2016 16:16
  • Joey Arnold
    24/07/2016 16:16
    Joey Arnold
    I want to be open to the possibility
    of being a martyr
  • Ted Pickett
    24/07/2016 16:17
  • Joey Arnold
    24/07/2016 16:17
    Joey Arnold
    however, I should focus on a life that is not connected to being a martyr
    I try my best not to think about being a martyr
  • Ted Pickett
    24/07/2016 16:18
    Ted Pickett
    You could always walk up to a guy who is over 6'3 and 300 pounds and tell them they are wrong. Have you done that yet?
  • Joey Arnold
    24/07/2016 16:19
  • Ted Pickett
    24/07/2016 16:20
    Ted Pickett
    If you really wanted to be a martyr you could join the Westbourough Baptist Church or something like that. Why not?
  • Joey Arnold
    24/07/2016 16:20
    Joey Arnold
    or maybe.... when I was about 15 years old, I was trash talking a taller black kid when playing basketball and he started punching me, and then other black people had to hold him back
  • Ted Pickett
    24/07/2016 16:21
  • Joey Arnold
    24/07/2016 16:21
    Joey Arnold
    why that church?
  • Ted Pickett
    24/07/2016 16:21
    Ted Pickett
    I think they like to be percecuted.
    They only say stuff to be..
  • Joey Arnold
    24/07/2016 16:21
    Joey Arnold
    i called him a nigger..... but I was also just trash talking in general..... but do not say that word
    I do not want to be persecuted
  • Ted Pickett
    24/07/2016 16:22
    Ted Pickett
    Persecution is being a martyr.
  • Joey Arnold
    24/07/2016 16:23
    Joey Arnold
    persecution happens as you live and being a martyr happens as you die
    but I am trying not to focus on those 2 things
  • Ted Pickett
    24/07/2016 16:24
    Ted Pickett
    Well why do you want to be hated?
  • Joey Arnold
    24/07/2016 16:24
    Joey Arnold
    I want to be loved
    I try my best to love and to be loved
    that is my second priority
    I don't walways talk about my 2nd priority
    I don't always do
  • Ted Pickett
    24/07/2016 16:25
    Ted Pickett
    Then live in love not hate or pushing politics. That was not the way of that is not my path.
  • Joey Arnold
    24/07/2016 16:26
    Joey Arnold
  • Ted Pickett
    24/07/2016 16:26
    Ted Pickett
    It is going to be corupt no matter what.
  • Joey Arnold
    24/07/2016 16:27
    Joey Arnold
    I disagree
    I am not a fatalist
    I believe that people can influence other people
  • Ted Pickett
    24/07/2016 16:27
    Ted Pickett
    But I don't beleive it will change either way.
  • Joey Arnold
    24/07/2016 16:27
    Joey Arnold
    and I want to try to vote and petition for people and for bills that are better
    some things we cannot change
    and I am ok with that
    if I am pushing politics too much, then I should decline more
  • Ted Pickett
    24/07/2016 16:30
    Ted Pickett
    Well there is nothing you can do. Stay there, or come back.
  • Joey Arnold
    24/07/2016 16:30
    Joey Arnold
    if I am doing things that hurt people more than it helps, then I better start changing....
    I understand those things
  • Ted Pickett
    24/07/2016 16:31
    Ted Pickett
    Yup. Focus on your task at hand over there.. or come back. You cannot serve two masters.
  • Joey Arnold
    24/07/2016 16:31
  • 25 July
  • Ted Pickett
    25/07/2016 12:30
  • Ted Pickett
    25/07/2016 12:32
    Ted Pickett
    ...Hi... Today is National "I LOVE YOU DAY" send to people you LOVE including me. (Just hold down and it will say forward)
    ...Hi... Today is National "I LOVE YOU DAY" send to people you LOVE including me. (Just hold down and it will say forward)
  • Joey Arnold
    25/07/2016 13:09
  • Ted Pickett
    25/07/2016 13:09
  • Ted Pickett
    25/07/2016 13:10
    Ted Pickett
    Pass it on..or not.
  • Today
  • Joey Arnold
    Joey Arnold
    Jesus got ANGRY when they turned the temple into a DEN OF ROBBERS. Read the OLD TESTAMENT. Please read original HEBREW AND GREEK AND ARAMAIC because it was written in different languages originally and not in English. Look at the original words they used and NOT ONLY THE ENGLISH WORDS THAT YOU READ IN YOUR BIBLE. YOU NEED TO UNDERSTAND THE OVERALL STORIES AND THE THEOLOGIES THEREIN. I went to BIBLE COLLEGE for 3 years. YOU ARE A BAD PERSON. My MOTHER DOES NOT LIKE YOU because are wrong. YOU LIED ABOUT WHAT HAPPENED WITH ROBIN BAKER. SHE YELLED AT ME. The police took me to JAIL BECAUSE I INTERRUPTED A 911 call. I did not yell. I was not angry. I broke a law. I took the phone from a drunk woman. YOU ARE BAD BECAUSE YOU ARE EITHER LYING OR YOU ARE DUMB. LOVE IS JUSTICE AND GRACE. ANGER IS NOT BAD. I am not angry. YOU ARE DUMB. ASK MY MOTHER AND SHE WILL TELL YOU I AM NOT ANGRY. YOU DO NOT KNOW ME AND YOU ASSUME WRONG.

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