Show your heart to others in the way you talk, through the way you live, by the way you refrain from wrath, for the sake of others, from the goodness of your heart of gold. Let your light so shine before men & women alike for the glory & the integrity of eternity.
Talk to me about what really matters in life. My ears are perked open to your burdens & concerns. I'm listening with my immortal soul. Don't be afraid to open up & to share your darkest secrets, your deepest sorrows, your triumphs, & your curiosity. People are & were designed for human interaction which involves social transmission & physical touch as in hugs & other conformation needs. Take the time to tell people you love them. Take the time to share your heart with as many people as you can, but make a priority on a base of loyalty to a few disciples. Treat others as you want to be treated. Seek after sympathy (to understand people who are different) and empathy (to relate to those like you).
2015-12-04 Friday 10:30 AM HHD Q.1, TP.HCM
For more information, contact Ms.Tien: 090-855-6131
English Teacher: Joey Arnold
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