Mundane: normal
I had a normal day.
I had a mundane day.
Mundane is all about doing normal routines again and again.
Routine: activity; trip from place to place
Prefer: like
My legs want to run around or walk around or get around or move around.
Good first impression
You need fluent English skills.
Your English skills need to be fluent.
Z. In Vietnamese, Zeh.
Letter Z
Z = ZEA in ENglish
Z = Zeehhh in Vietnamese
She lives in Vietnam.
She is Vietnamese.
Vietnamese living abroad.
My main customers would be, for ANZ, Vietnamese living abroad.
International Vietnamese.
Foreign Vietnamese.
Oversea Vietnamese
Vietnamese living overseas or abroad or in other countries.
You can take your time to introduce new things into conversations, like foreign Vietnamese.
On the spot = in the situation = at the time
On the spot = random + without preparation
Scary things make us afraid and fearful
Our emotions can help us prepare for new situations
Emotions should be used to our advantage and not avoided.
Use emotions:
First, because emotions can help.
Second, because they're always there and if you don't, then they will hurt us instead of help us.
Hurt = damage = hit = punch = kick = abuse = harass = effect
Sickness hurts us.
Hurt creates pain.
Headaches hurt our head.
Viet Kieu = oversea Vietnamese nationals
I had an urgent call.
An article said international Vietnamese were required to get or maintain their citizenship before July 1st 2014.
Should you talk about that law in your interview?
They focus on the money.
ANZ tries to collect American dollars, that is USD.
Maybe my English skills is not good enough to talk about it. I don't have enough English vocabulary to talk about those laws or law in general.
Is ANZ more focused on foreign Vietnamese than other foreigners?
What kind of customers do they try to get and keep?
Why are they trying to get more dollars instead of other currencies and bills?
Some laws may not require banks to pay interest on deposit fees for dollars and American currencies.
What about Euro?
They try to collect foreign currencies, including dollars (USD), and not Vietnamese money, dong, VND.
Vietnamese currency has high inflation.
It is inflating.
It has inflation.
1 USD was about 10,000 VND in 2004 or so.
1 USD is now about 22,000 in 2017.
Stock markets in America in 2017 went up by over 3 trillion dollars.
Twenty seventeen.
Two thousand and seventeen.
Lesson reviews
Do you like to review previous lessons?
Do you want to review during the class?
Empathy: I did it
Sympathy: I did not do it
Do you like to review also during the class?
Like, right now?
Do you have a date for an interview yet?
No, but I'm preparing if they call me back for an interview.
I cannot explain some things clearly or well enough or good enough or clear enough.
Take advantage of your emotions.
I feel bored with my manager, with customer policies, and with management.
Customer service seems to be too counterproductive (opposite of productive): counter means go backwards
Counterproductive means it is getting worse instead of better.
I hope I can get this soon in a short time like by April 2017, in the next month.
I don't want to meet my manager or boss sometimes.
I dread (hate) meeting my boss.
What can you do if you are shy or scared?
My finance company's brand name recognition is not so good or is not very popular or too new, as it is only two years old.
McDonald's has a lot of brand recognition.
It is necessary.
Bank = Ban + KKKK
Thesaurus = synonym dictionary book
Synonyms = similar words (vocabulary)
Negotiate: deal; barter; compromise
Make a deal
Bull doze: destroy
It is hard to remember words I do not use everyday at work or at home or anywhere.
Standard Charter Bank
I worked there from 2013 to 2016.
I was not able to continue working there. I had to quit or stop, or they fired me or laid me off or something.
I worked there 4 years and then moved on.
Who own that bank?
Where are these partners from?
Who do those partners work for?
Partners may work for other banks or companies or corporations or institutions.
15% of Standard Chartered Bank is owned by Telemasek Holdings Pte Ltd.
Middle earth
Middle East
Cash flow
People who control the flow of money have more control over the world.
Security is high.
I hope I can go to your country.
I hope I can get a visa to go to your country.
I hope I can go into your embassy to get a visa to go to your country.
I need a visa in order to go to your country.
If I wanted to go, I would find a company to help me go there.
Stuck in jail
Trapped in prison
Servants, slaves. Staff.
A slave is a staff with a low salary or wages.
Slaves and servants are employees or staff that are not paid enough money or compensation (money, etc).
Vietnamese government treats Vietnamese like they are slaves, like staff but not paid enough money or other things.
If you are not allowed to immigrate, then you are a slave, like trapped, because you do not have the freedom to leave. This is true in North Korea.
You can watch stories of people who escaped North Korea.
Can North Koreans immigrate? No.
Can Vietnamese immigrate?
L.E.P. = Limited English Proficient
LEP means you know some English. Like, a little fluent in English.
Maybe an English Beginner or Starter.
Or maybe Intermediate.
Oregon is a state above California.
Little Saigon
We have snow in the winter and heat in the summer.
What is the temperature in the winter in Oregon?
Colder than it is in the summer, generally, like cold enough for ice and snow.
The water may freeze.
It gets below zero sometimes in cold places.
It goes under zero or gets below zero sometimes in cold places.
C = Celsius
F = Fahrenheit
It freezes under about 40 F or like 20 C
Freeze at 32 F or 0 C
Or 273.15 Kelvin
Take off your shirt
You sweat lesss in colder weather.
Sweat is water from your skin and body.
Sweat balances body temperature.
Can you tell me about yourself?
It connects you to them.
Your back story or your biography connects you to them better.
Why should we hire you?
If they ask you why they should hire you, then you can ask them why you should work for them.
Does that company meet your expectations for what you want?
Worth = value
Is it worth it?
Do they qualify?
Are they worthy to work with you?
Is it worth it long-term?
Long term = long time = many years
Salary expectations
Why did you leave your last job?
It was boring and the customer policies were too bad and I have more potential that I want to meet and you need me.
What they need is compatible with what I have.
I have what you need.
Only smart people will know you are smart even if you do not talk smart.
You can talk simple and you can hide your wisdom (smartness) and that can be ok sometimes.
They like people with passion and dedication and determination and consistency.
Passion = love and drive and working hard and fire and soul
Dedication = commit day by day to complete it
Dedication = commitment + faithfulness
Faithfulness = work hard day by day and again and again, consistently, diligently, with dedication, commitment
I don't want to faithful.
I just want to be smart.
Some of it.
Continue this next time.
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