Monday, March 27, 2017


N: Noun
V: Verb
Adj: Adjective
Adv: Adverb
1. Travel
​, v., verb​
2. Work, v.
3. Sleep, v.
Backpack, n., noun
Backpack, v.
Backpack = balo (Vietnamese)
I put my computer in my bag.
I put my laptop (n.) in my backpack (n.).
Backpack, v.
I want to backpack (v.) all around.
Tour, n.
Tour, v.
I want a tour (n.).
I want to tour (v.) the world.
Gradually, adv., adverb
We (n.) can gradually (adv.) improve (v.) each (adj.) day (n.).

Today, we talked (v.) travel (n.), work, and sleep.
Some say we are required (v.) to have a minimum (adj.) bank balance (n.) in order to get a visa (n.) and to travel (v.) to some countries.
Usually, tourists (n.) are required to buy a two-way plane ticket.
Normally, they have to demonstrate that they have enough money to go but to also return.
Return, N.
Return, V.
They want us to return (v.).
They want a return (n.).
A return (n.) can be compensation (n.) or it can be a return (n.) of people too.
Compensation = money or something equal to debts, penalties, consequences, retribution, return (n.), or other requirements.
Assets (n.) can compensate (v.) for debts you owe (v.).
My student said Vietnamese are required to have at least $30K USD in order to visit England while "Refugees" (n.) and Arabs come in without process (n.).
Open tours (n.)
Packaged tours (n.)
Open tours are open, free, personalized (adj.), customized (adj.), and individualized (adj.).
I was surprised when you said OPEN TOURS. I was not sure what you meant until you explained it.
I don't remember hearing people say open tours but some may say it. There may be other names for that kind of tour.
Normally, I would hear people call it as backpacking (n.) or traveling (n.). Some call it Couch Surfing.
I was also shocked (adj.) or not expecting (v. gerund) you to say packaged tours.
Backpacker, n.
Backpack, v.
I want to backpack (v.) around the world.
I have a backpack (n.).
People in developing (adj.) countries (n.) typically (adv.) desire (v.) to visit (v.) or immigrate to more developed countries like America, Australia, Canada, and England.
England and many countries in Europe are changing now and are declining (v.); but nevertheless, we seek (v.) after better places like a utopia (n.).
Utopia (n.) = perfect world
First, we talked travel (n.).
Second, we talked work (n.).
I want the best people possible to work at my company, had I have one.
I don't have a problem with bringing in foreigners into America to work if they can do things Americans cannot do.
I want foreigners to go through the immigration process and get sponsored (v.) or verified (v.) and confirmed (v.) and checked (v.) as they come to my country.
Otherwise, it is like leaving your door open to your house to let people come in to eat all your food and to steal your things.
Country is like home.
I would try to create more training programs to help train people in my country to do specialized jobs before looking for new staff from other countries.
Vietnam can let foreigners in to work, but they should probably focus more on training Vietnamese to do more through education at schools, centers, and work.
It is better when we prioritize (v.) our families first and our countries, our neighborhoods, our states, our provinces, our counties, our cities, our towns, our communities, second.
Family, first.
Country, second.
World, third.
People tell us to seek after globalization which means world-wide enforced communism, socialism, corporatism, technocracy, plutocracy, Satanism, Luciferianism.
I like people.
I love the world.
I love money.
I love freedom.
I do not like slavery.
Better education creates better freedom and more freedom.
More education creates more freedom.
Less education creates less freedom.
Less education means less knowledge, it means we know less.
When we know less, then we are not aware of more choices, decisions, that we can choose from.
Freedom is expanded (v.) when choices and decisions and options are expanded.
Choices are expanded when knowledge (education) is expanded.
I try my best to help and educate people sometimes.
I think it is good to take the time to have conversations, debates, dialogs, studies, investigations, explorations.
We talked about travel and work.
We talked about different kinds of tours.
We talked about money and banks.

Third, we talked about sleep.
Polite, n.
People can be polite (n.)
Tired people can nap.
People can trust (v.) family more than strangers.
Courtesy. n.
People can be courteous (adj.).
People can have courtesy (n.).
You can be courteous (adj.) and polite (adj.) by saying thank you, please, sorry, excuse me, pardon me, and it also helps to ask questions and to announce certain things.
People should follow the rules.
People should submit to authority, to the boss, the employer, the owner, the lord of the land, the king, the father, the teacher, the leaders.
Procedures should be followed.
Assumptions, n.
Assume, v.
We often assume things.
We make assumptions.
Life is full of surprises (n.), shock (n.) and unexpected turns out in the streets but also inside too.
I did not say to them that I was going to sleep, to nap, before, because I was not asked or told to do that before.
Last year, there was a couch (n.) or sofa (n.) I slept on before in 2016, last year. So, I had the habit of going to that couch / sofa without talking to people about it here.
I was told that I could go to the sofa and sleep. I would do that. Later, the couch was gone.
This year, I think I was told I could take a nap in that room.
Sometimes, I feel like I am not welcomed here, and that discourages me from trying to talk more to people here.
So, I was normally avoiding those kinds of conversations. I decided not to ask them about the rules about what they wanted me to do or not to do.
I also wanted them to tell me what to do.
Some of the people here know enough English in order to tell me the rules.
Yes, you can argue and say I should have known that I should just talk or ask about sleeping.
But I would argue back and say that people should talk first and announce (v.) the rules about sleeping first.
I wanted a confrontation (n).
I promise to follow your rules now that I know it.
But I want you to understand how I was feeling and what I was thinking and doing.
Other foreigners and other people think and feel and do things like me.
Your staff have used Google Translate to say some things to me before.
If they really wanted to tell me about the rules about sleeping, they could have said it to me in English or Vietnamese and it could have been translated somehow either completely or partly.
I can also understand broken English.
I can figure things out.
I'm not emotionally mad or angry or anything bad right now.
But I really want to just talk about this thing.
I used this sleeping story as an example or excuse to talk about psychology and anthropology and sociology and life and people and about how we think and how we do things as Americans, Vietnamese, as people on this planet.
Some of what we do are the same, as in similar, and others are different.
Similarities, n.
Comparison, n.
Contrast, n.
Religion, n.
Culture. n.
Demography, n.
Geography, n.
Society, n.

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