Thursday, April 13, 2017

2017-04-12 Wednesday 6 PM Land and Syria and Emails

2017-04-12 Wednesday 6 PM Gym JOEYARNOLDVN




No results











Simpsons is a TV show.



Push to higher limits

Do you do your best?

Can you be pushed towards your best?

Can you do better?



1. Meet

2. Eat


A few will sign on for transactions as customers.


You receive salary from them.







Employers require me to follow potential customers wherever they are, like at work, and do what they want like beer, like drinking beer. You have to be friends with them until you get to buy or to sign up or something.


Limitless Patience


I am patient but not that patient.




Female have that advantage in sales.


I started this job five months ago.


I've only been doing this for five months now & started 5 months ago.







If you know what you want, then you can find it and get it without spending more time or too much time.

Relationships can make you want to make them happy.








Distracted: leave purpose






Self-employed = you employ and work for yourself.


Real Estate





Rebuild the house to make that house great again.


Remodel = rebuild + redesign + fix + redo + clean it


It takes wisdom to buy land that can be sold for profit to make more money.


Information can help us decide which land to buy.


But you said that you need relationship with government in order to buy better land for making money.


Why is relationship so important for buying land?


The information is not supposed to be secret.


Information should be publicly available apart from private relationships.


It should not be legal for that kind of thing to happen.


People's Ward Committee


City Hall

City meeting


Vietnam has 2 parties but Vietnamese always say to me they only have one party.


The communist party has most of the power.




But this is changing.


This is the old system that the old people are promoting.


But the old system is going away.


Open minded




Do you want to be a bad person if good people are killed immediately?


Afraid. Fear


Stay the same


Government changes every generation, every 20 years or so for the good and for the bad.


I'm not my father or grandpa and governmental kids can grow up and do things differently too for their gov.


I hope for the best.


Government laws have improved in Vietnam in the last 20 years.


Land laws are changing.


In Vietnam, you rent land for 50 years. They call it "Buying land" but it is not actually buying land.


How do you own land?


To own is to have it.


If you own it, then it belongs to you forever and not just 50 years.


Borrow it for 50 years.


People want to say they own it temporarily for 50 years and then give it back.


Can you build a house on your property, the land you bought?


What is the difference between private land and not private land?


Can you buy or rent not private land?


Government does not sell government land to people.


How do you know if the land is government land or private land?






I do not want them to tell me that my private land is now government land.


My father's brother is my uncle.




Gas station


After fleeing illegally to America, Vietnam government took the gas.


People left to create the United States illegally as they fought England and King George in the 1700's.


They were British but then left and were fighting against their own government like rebels.


They could have gone to jail, prison, to the police house, because they went against government.


South Korea is not part of the north.

Taiwan is independent but China tries to get it back.

Quebec tried to leave Canada.

Hong Kong joined and came back to China in 1997.


Chinese grandma

Paternal grandma

My dad's mom


Traditional scenes

Your blood is Chinese but only by 25%


I'm a quarter Chinese







Trust in the statue, the idol, the image.


It is a form of worship, a religion that is ancient which roots especially from Canaan.


When you study history, you can trace religions and cultures to one religion and culture.


The world was together over 5,000 years old but then started splitting.


People started to travel around the world a long time ago and started spreading cultures, religions, families, and more.


We all lived in the Middle East a long time ago.


Middle East includes Israel, which is not Palestine, and Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Quatar, and more.


Black people went to Africa. Yellow people went to Asia. White people went to Europe.


The three main human colors and people races are black, yellow, and white.


Red comes from yellow and might be actually half yellow and half black.



Spanish = white + yellow


Arabs (yellow) mixed with white people in Spain.






59 Tomahawks


Chinese President went to USA.







Grab to get

Pull to move

Grab and pick up

Grab with fingers

Pull with arms





Trump sent a message that said that murdering children is not welcomed.


Children died in Syria about a week ago.


They said it came from the Syrian government, but it did not come from them in 2017 and also in 2013.


The United Nations met and wanted to investigate who did it because they don't know.


U.N. were on YouTube, live on a stream, and I was watching it a few days ago.


Who started the fighting in Syria?


Hillary Clinton was trying to get rid of the ruler in Syria, Assad.

Assad is the president, the ruler, or like a dictator.


Main stream media, like CNN, and BBC, talk about how great war is and how we should want to have more war.


CNN get money from people who profit from war.


If they remove the president in Syria, then ISIS will probably take over Syria.


Trump said he does not want to take out Assad.


Syria and Russia have been fighting ISIS since 2009.


ISIS formed mostly froma gap.


I can see reality in him.

He looks realistic.

He looks honest.

He looks real.

Trump rejected salary from this current job as president, all except for one dollar per year.


He left his companies.


Trump did not have to exit his companies.


CNN talked about Trump's hair for the first week or month, back in June 2015.


Sometimes, they call Trump's son retarded and stupid and dumb.



Michelle or Michael Obama


They benefit when Hillary wins and becomes president.


You should want things to be equal.


If Trump gets one negative story, then can Hillary get one negative story?


What is fair?


What is equal?


If I get five dollars, should you get five dollars too?


A negative story is like a punch or kick, it is like you are hitting them.


If they hit Trump, should they hit Hillary too?


Only six percent of Americans trust CNN and main stream media, or maybe less.


Should they hit Hillary if they hit Trump all the time?


They have to do what they are told to do from their supporters, their employers


Hillary Clinton, as the USA secretary of state, had a job to work with and contact people alla round the world, especially government people.


She was required to only send the emails from the American government's email systems and servers


She did her emailing from her phones and from everywhere and not from the gov system.





Selling info to other countries and enemies


USA government told Hillary to give them her emails.


That was the fall (autumn) of 2015, like September.


After that, she smashed some phones and computers with hammers.


Bleach-bit program deletes files at the root level. They used that to delete emails.


FBI was investigating Hillary and then said she was guilty but then they stopped.


The first week of July 2016, Bill Clinton went onto an airplane to talk to Mrs. Lynch who works in the courts.


Lynch said she would do whatever Comey said.


Comey is the head of the FBI.


Comey kind of said he would maybe do waht Lynch said and she said she would do what he said.


Lynch is or was like a judge.

Attorney General


Make a deal.







Time is a problem too.







Comey said Hillary did bad things but the bad things were not bad because we do not know why she did those bad things. This is why Americans hate Comey who is on a 10 year term.



2017-04-12 Wednesday 6 PM Gym JOEYARNOLDVN



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