Friday, May 12, 2017

Worship The Dead and How To Help Homeless?

Business English Class Notes 2017-05-13 Saturday 11 AM McDonald NH Q1 HCM with Teacher JoeyArnoldVN

Offering = gift
Some people give the deceased (dead people) paper offerings (gifts) of fake laptops, money, gold, wives, husbands, pets, clothes, houses, cars, food, and other gifts, and people do this mostly to get some more good luck.
This is called worship of the dead
There are different kinds of funerals and weddings
Some may include dancing for funerals
The dead are put in caskets (boxes) and then into a grave or tomb or like hole in the ground at the cemetery (dead people land).
We talked about that one episode of Friends (TV show) where like the grandma of Monica and Ross died and like resurrected from the dead but then died again from shock or something.
Some dead people are cremated (burnt to ashes)
Veneration (worship) of the dead is a kind of honor and respect and it is seen all around the world culturally and historically back thousands of years ago.
She passed away or died
Different vocabularies per episode of Friends, more so than Girl Meets World because it is for an older audience.
I would love to talk to that man who was begging for money.
I would tell him to sit down and to tell me his story more deeply.
A foreigner man came to us today at this McDonald's Nguyen Hue and asked for money because he lost his money, wallet, phone, and everything.
I would take the time to help him make better choices based on the available choices at hand.
I did not talk to him because I was teaching an English class today around 11 AM to this time of about 1 PM or so ICT Saigon Vietnam time as Joe Cool me. I have priorities and I shoulst stick to that more.
Life is better when we are independent enough to do things ourselves instead of relying and depending and waiting too much and too often on others to do too much and and too many things for us and everything and it is nice to give love and to be full of altruism (selfless love) that has agape (super love) and sacrifice that is unconditional like that seen in heroes and mothers too.
Do not just give the poor money but instead give them a job and have them earn the money and help them develop the skills that they need and should want and desire and seek after to better their lives and their families and friends and the local community too.
Globalism is bad when it is too anti-cultural or mono-cultural instead of multi-cultural. You know culture is a good thing that comes from families and more specifically and fundamentally from individuals.
Please promote natural health remedies and nationalism and families and local communities and the abilities to ask more questions and to give more grace over justice to people but also capitalism and not crony capitalism.
Massage over itch
Do not scratch or kill itches and conflicts and world wars and our automatic desire to itch away our body irritations is as mundane as countries desire to blow away problems and blow up problems in big world wars with bombs and military and soldiers and armies and navy and marines and everything with missiles and guns and tanks and more.
When we scratch and fight, our rashes and wars and problems and conflicts grow and get bigger but only a massage and compromise or solution or remedy and resolve and strategy and patience can truly help enough for more long-term peace and progress and development and answers and hope for our children and for our legacy and destiny for tomorrow.
Business English Class Notes 2017-05-13 Saturday 11 AM McDonald NH Q1 HCM with Teacher JoeyArnoldVN

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